Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hi :)

I am Halina from the Faculty of Education in Bratislava as well, but everyone calls me Lina, so you can if you like to :) I study in combination English/German for both are my hobbies and in the deep past absolutely interconnected which I find pretty fascinating.
In my free time I teach and I really try to do my best although there is a lot to work on.
My job concerns teaching as well but the subject matter defines a great deal for I am a dancing teacher and I earn my living myself by dancing.
I went through several exchange programs during my grammar school studies so I really enjoy meeting people from other countries or meeting new people generally.
Looking forward for further discussion :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lina,
    I really enjoyed reading your post. I am currently learning Spanish and I believe that it is a beautiful language. I love to hear others speak in different languages and even different accents.

    How long have you been teaching? Do you teach all aspects of dancing or just classics?

    I've never done an exchange program - I am hoping that I will be able to do one this summer or Fall. I, also love meeting people, although I can be somewhat shy in the beginning.

    Do you enjoy reading? What are some of your favorite books? I love to read! I've been reading books since I was about 3.

    I hope that you had a lovely weekend!

