Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hi everybody!
My name is Vanda and I study languages at Comenius University - to be specific - English and Slovak. Inspite of the fact, that I am in the last year of my study, I am still getting used to on the fact that I study teaching, because I have never been interested and never planned to work in this sphere. I am desperately in love with art, predominantly with literature, kinematography and fine arts. To be honest, the study of literature at my school is the only thing which keeps me alive, because I hate drill and memorizing of the rules and definitions which sometimes don´t make a sense to me. The grammar itself is a nightmare for me, doesn´t matter if Slovak or English, they perfectly bother me both!:D I´m also a great chaotic who loves to analyse and perceives all around intuitivelly and emotionally. On the other hand, it is not so much surprising that I have decided for this combination, because I did love English since my childhood. I was always curious what my favourite cartoon heroes said and tried to imitate them. I was fascinated by the smooth elegance of its fluency and sound. Yes, I can say that it was a love on the first sound!:D Do you know what I mean? Have you ever been to enchanted by some language like this?
Teachers in our country are very underestimated and miserably paid. They are not so respected as it was many years ago in the times of our parents and grandparents. The respect and appreciation of their work is not so much in fashion nowadays. These are the factors which are strongly irritating and demotivating for me for doing this job. It requires a lot of giving but the feedback is not guaranteed. Eventually, as everything in life... Personally, I am very emotional and impatient type of person, so this job would be pretty destructive for me!:D These are the reasons why I so admire all the teachers who do their work with enthusiasm and eager will to educate and tutor young people. Here are many negatives for me, but I have to say that I am surprised how teaching amusing and creative can be. That creative aspect is what I so appreciate about it and that´s the reason why I will not quit my private lessons of English. It is an opportunity to work on myself, make a progress and get into a contact with new lovely people. It is true, that it is a great satisfaction when you can help with your knowledges to other people. Even though they pay you, that feeling of great satisfaction cannot be replaced with any money in the world. :)
To say truth, I have a quite clear vision of my future. I can´t say that I will never teach but it is not what i really want to do in my life and what would make me happy. I passionately love writing, being a writer is a dream since my childhood. To work in some journal, travel and use my knowledge of language in reality also tempts me because beside of that I could find a time for my own writing. I have many people who inspires me - my family, friends, people who also create somethnig or write. I am pretty obsessed by Stephen King since my 13 and I have probably something around 50 books from him. I think that he is the one of the greatest narrators of our era. I also love and admire american playwrights as T.Williams, E. Albee, E. O´Neill, D. Mamet... I also love british J.Osborne. Shakespeare, beat poets, french writers, philosophers, musicians... There are many artists who I love and are my eternal source of inspiration. S. Dali, F.Kahlo, V. van Gogh are also my great idols. I also love rock music ( frantically GNR, Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Queen, Van Halen, The Doors, The Darkness, Foo Fighters, Pink Floyd, Green Day, Depeche mode, etc...), photography, travelling and partying with friends.
What about you? What are your passions and idols?
Write if you want, I´ll be glad.

Take care and carpe diem! :)


  1. Hi Vanda,

    I know exactly what you mean when you say that you love the way languages sound. Part of the reason I'm an English major is because I love the moments when you're reading something and a sentence is phrased in a certain way, or the author says something in a certain way that just makes it sound so beautiful. I hope that makes sense. Right now I'm leaning toward becoming an English professor, but I'd love to try and have my writing published one day as well. Here, for the most part, it is kind of just assumed that if you're an English major, you want to be a teacher but that really isn't the case at all. There's a lot of different jobs that you can get with an English degree, but for some reason most people who aren't English majors just assume that we're all going to be teachers. Is that what people tend to think of those who are studying English and Slovak over there?

    I really like Stephen King as well :)

    Hope to hear back from you soon!


  2. HI Vanda,
    I agree with you on disliking grammar I find it horrible at times as well. Also I agree with Carolyn, you don't have to teach just because you have an English degree. I have a friend who reads manuscripts of novels for a publishing company, can you imagine anything better than getting to read novels all day long and get paid for it! Also your music tastes are amazing I love all those bands and Stephen King is one of my favorite authors too!
    Wishing you the best of luck!

  3. Hi Vanda!
    Which King´s book is your favourite one????
    I love him! Also Palmer, Cook and others.
    See you later ;-)

