Sunday, September 25, 2011

Welcome to Comenius Students and Introduction

It's great to hear that the Slovak group joining us soon! I thought I'd also introduce myself for their benefit. My name is Katarina Gephardt. I am Associate Professor of English at Kennesaw State University. I am originally from Bratislava, Slovakia and first came to the United States in 1993 while I was an English major at Comenius University. I ended up staying and pursued my graduate education in English at Ohio State University. I return to Slovakia every year or two with my family and do my best to teach my two sons Slovak. We look forward to seeing your posts here soon!


  1. Dear Katarina,

    I am really curious about the fact ci ste nezabudli po slovensky :) I ve heard that you come from Slovakia. How long have you been living in USA? What do you consider the most tough when you decided to stay abroad.Do you miss Slovakia? Do you think in the USA are better conditions for english major than in Slovakia?


  2. Hi Janka,
    Sorry I overlooked this earlier. Ako by som mohla zabudnut rodnu rec? V USA som uz skoro 20 rokov, polovicu mojho dospeleho zivota. I think the toughest part of living abroad is always remaining a foreigner, however much you are assimilated. I also miss the kind of connection I have with relatives and friends who knew me when I was younger. I think the English majors may be better off here in terms of their access to materials and other educational opportunities. I think that at the moment, the US students face real challenges with employment. English may still provide a window of opportunity in Slovakia, even though it's not the same as it was for us in the 1990s. Best of luck with your studies, Janka!
