Thursday, September 29, 2011


Hello everyone! I'm in my 3rd year at Kennesaw State University. I'm a Secondary English Education major and can't wait to get my own classroom and start teaching. I plan on teaching in Belize next spring for a semester and words can not express how excited I am to go abroad and teach students English. My dream job would be to go and teach in Northern Uganda in the displacement camps they have there but my mother is not too fond of the idea. It has been a passion of mine for 5 years now though and I'm hoping that a miracle occurs so that my mother will be okay with my going into a war zone. However my more realistic goal is to teach in an inner city school to help children who really need it. I plan on becoming a foster parent once I get my masters degree and save up some money so that I can help to change people lives.
I currently work full time at a clothing store to pay my way through and though I like my job I wouldn't be heart broken if I never had to fold a table of shirts ever again. I love reading anything and everything especially comic books, the Harry Potter Series, poets such as Poe.
That's pretty much me in a nut shell.
Looking forward to getting to know you all through this blog,


  1. Hello,
    I want to say that I admire your enthusiasm for teaching, either in USA or abroad. I think that we lack this in Slovakia and I really am hoping that you will be allowed to be in the displacement camps. But I want to ask some questions too, for example what is so special about inner city school? It has some programs for challenged kids or something? The other question is, how did you get you place in Belize? It some University program or did you join some teachers organization (we had some lectors from USA in high school from such organizations)? And it is easy for people from your school to join something like that? I would like to compare it with Slovak systems on our University .
    All the best,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Michele,
    At first I would like to say I admire your courage. There are not so many people who would be so eager to teach in such risky circumstances.
    Then, I am happy to find another book fan like myself...Harry Potter FTW! :)

    Best regards,

  4. Hello Adriana
    I have been teaching kids in orphanage in Kenya for few months and it was really life chanign experience. This kids love to learn and are so motivated. I dont think regular american or europian kids are able to aprreciate theyr education in such a way.

  5. Hey Roman,

    A lot of teachers don't want to teach at inner city schools because the students are harder to teach. This is mainly because they come from rougher area and I think that the teachers that end up in these schools feel like the students are hopeless and teach them because they have to, not because they want the students to learn anything. I really have a passion for these students because I believe that they deserve better and also that they deserve a teacher who cares about them learning not just getting paid to be there.
    The program for Belize is through Kennesaw State's Study Abroad program, where you pick the country and get course credit for the programs available. The school deals with all the details including the flights and places the students stay, all we have to do is pay the tuition fees. Anyone can join the programs and different programs count for different course credits in place of an in classroom course.
