Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hi everybody!

My name is Adriana and I study English and Psychology at Comenius University. I had a rough time choosing what to study after finishing the secondary school, but English was (and still is) my favourite subject and I wanted to continue developing in it. I love reading so I try to work on my English this way and my other passion is watching American TV shows such as The Big Bang Theory, Vampire Diaries and Glee. For me it is a good way to practice the language and at the same time have a lot of fun :).
As for the reactions of my family..well, my parents would be happy even if I didn't choose to study at the Faculty of Education. The main goal was to get accepted to the University regardless the field of study. Now I just hope to graduate and who knows what will happen in the future..I'm still not quite sure about my plans.

Have a nice day,
Adriana Takacova


  1. Hi Adriana,

    I think it's so interesting that you work on your English by watching American TV shows! I never would have thought of that idea. Here, we have to take a foreign language if we're English majors, and mine will probably be Spanish. Whenever I start my Spanish classes I might have to use your idea and start watching the Spanish channel to help me study :)

    My parents are the same way that yours are, they would have supported me no matter what I decided to study because they were just happy that I decided to go to college. I don't think that they were ever surprised when I told them my major though, because they've always known that I love reading and writing and have always really encouraged that.

    I know you aren't sure about your plans for the future yet, but are there any careers that you've been considering? :)


  2. Hi Adriana,

    Big Bang Theory and Vampire Diaries are my favorites too! One of my daughters was on a recent episode as a extra. She loved (other than the waiting around between takes). She said Tyler and Stephane are beautiful in person. lol

    I'm currently a english education major, but rethinking my major. So I understand about not being sure about the future. I love kids, I love to teach them and love to help them too. I am torn between teaching and helping children. Next semester I'm going take one class in another field to see if I might like / fit in better. You might want to try that if you can. I think a lot of students start out with one career in mind but once they start taking classes, they see something else that might interest them. It can be hard to figure out which way to go. What else might you be interested?

    Michele A.

  3. @Carolyn, I love books so I would probably enjoy working in a bookshop or publishing company even though it has hardly something to do with my studies :)

    @Michele A, WOW that's really cool that your daughter had a chance to be in VD! Must have been a great experience :)...and the answer about my plans (or dreams) is above :)..hopefully it will work out for me somehow.

    Thank you both for your comment!
