Friday, October 21, 2011



my name is Roman Humaj, I study at Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava. I have decided to study English language because I have been in touch with this language for a long time and thought that it would be good to study it deeper and more complex. To stick to the “layout” I will just mention that no one from my surroundings had anything against studying English and eventually teaching it. Personally I really don’t know if I will finish at Faculty of Education or I will move to other school and other program as my major, but if I stay I will probably try teaching, my major study program combination is English and History, so teaching either or both would be success, but we as teacher (even future ones) aren’t highly appreciated in Slovakia, not highly enough I think. Only time will show if I will use my English as a teacher or as a employee somewhere else.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, Roman!
    I am an English Education major at KSU in Georgia and I think I can definitely sympathize with what you said about teachers not being highly appreciated. The same goes for the United States - teachers are paid hardly anything (especially when you think about the fact that teachers are the basis of EVERY OTHER JOB) and definitely treated poorly. It's such a shame. If you find a country that respects its teachers, let me know and we can both go there. :)
