Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hey guys!

My name is Coleman Joiner, and I am an English Education Major at KSU. I enjoy writing and ever so often, I find enjoyment in reading. I came about my decision to become an English Ed. major because I knew first and for most, I wanted to enter the education field. That is because I have aspirations of becoming a high school head football coach. Now I know what your'e thinking, and it's not what it seems. I do actually WANT to be a teacher as well. I could have easily decided to be a P.E. teacher and take the easy way out. But I have been given (cursed?) with a love for writing and reading (in that order). I always had great English teachers and professors who really taught me to look deeper in to the literature we were reading and to find some way to connect with it. I wanted to be one of those thought provoking teachers. I wanted to be the teacher that tested my students own thoughts and beliefs. These were a few of the reasons I chose to become and English Ed. major!

Now when I initially made this decision, my mother was not a huge fan. She is a teacher and did not want me to have to deal with the many issues with administration, parents, and kids like she does. But she also understands what I want to do, and what it will take to get there, and she supports me fully. She just asks me to please be careful and to make sure this is what I want to do. I am starting to realize that it is in fact what I want to do the rest of my life!

Another reason I decided to enter this field, is because I am starting to see a slow decline in our youth's interest in literature. Kids don't read books anymore. They don't write anymore. It seems the only time students write anymore is when it is required such as the SAT and writing test. I want to help bring life back to literature in the classroom. These students today don't know what they are missing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Coleman,

    I appreciate your passion for teaching and reading. I love that you eant to make children read again:) Hope your dream will come true and I would like to ask you what is your favourite author:)

    beast of luck!

